What to expect from your child’s “Parent / Teacher Conference”

Parent / Teacher conferences are an opportunity for staff to devote their undivided attention to parents while we celebrate the achievements of your child in there, “play-based” yet academic, learning environment. To accomplish this task, For Kid’s Sake teachers collect photos, and samples of children’s work, and write simple notes to share with you about your child and his/her skills. FKS teachers regularly provide a variety of materials & activities to present a well-rounded program for each child. We will then expand their play & note which areas of the curriculum they are not choosing so that we may include those opportunities in subsequent plans.

At future conferences, samples & documentation can be compared to show your child’s progress over time. Due to the many children that attend FKS on a part-time basis, some children’s samples may be limited. For most children, teachers will be able to freely share comparisons & past experiences. As always, we will be listening for & noting ways to refine our system so that we can be sure that we are meeting the wants & needs of each family in future conferences.

The agenda for this set of conferences will be as follows:

  1.  Teachers will share their documentation & give explanations of what their children are learning from these experiences. (5 min)
  2. Parents will have a chance for Q & A (10 min)
  3. Teachers will lay out the developmental milestones that are soon to come & share the goals for each child. (5 min)

At any time, parents may schedule additional time to talk to their child’s teacher. Telephone, e-mail, or a one-on-one meeting can be arranged.

Looking forward to our visit!

FKS Staff

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